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The reason behind Effective Life Network

Effective Life Network was birthed out of a response to various ministries wanting and needing a big brother and fathering hand to support and encourage them. Many ministries and churches have become isolated, and their leaders discouraged. They feel too vulnerable to share their real hearts, needs, desires and even crisis. 


Pastor Matthew himself has felt at many times, isolated and abandoned when things went wrong or were hard instead of being supported in times of crisis. Effective Life Network is the result of a time of heartache, when various ministries began to contact him wanting some form of covering and support, but with the freedom to be honest with the challenges faced in ministry and very often, in their personal lives without the fear of being rejected and cut off from the rest of the body of Christ. 


We all need to be equipped for what God has called us to. Often, we have heard the voice of God correctly, but it is difficult to hear some of the intimate instructions. It's not enough to just fulfil His will; we must also do things His way. This is what Pastor Matthew calls 'The Cup of Tea Theology': anyone can make you a cup of tea - from a stranger to someone you know intimately. But can they make it the way you like it? That comes through intimacy; you must know someone well in order to know how they like things done. You can go into a Cafe and order a cup of tea and the assistant will make you that cup of tea, but will it be how you like it? 


Likewise, it's one thing to fulfil God's will, but it's another thing to do it His way. Often the levels of success in ministry are not only due to hearing His will but also His way. This comes down to a close and intimate relationship with The Father. It is not enough to just fulfil His will; things must be done His way as well. Now, that is excellence in the Kingdom.


We can burn ourselves out trying to offer God what we think He would like; we must know what He likes and wants instead. Now, that was the difference between Cain and Abel. Abel brought an intimate offering, while Cain brought one out of duty. Effective Life Network looks to equip ministries so that they can truly minister unto the Lord exactly what He is looking for; His good, perfect and pleasing will.

What does Effective Life Network provide?


The network provides a place of accountability for individual growth and ministries’ decisions. It provides the opportunity for people and ministries to look back and critique themselves constructively regarding their own visions and achievements in ministry and how these ones have been achieved and how effective they have been.


We aim as a network to cover its members in prayer and be a place where members can voluntarily discuss their visions, goals, plans, struggles, difficulties and achievements in order to ensure that God’s will is done and He is glorified in and through all. 


“Where there is no governor, the people shall fall: but there is safety where there is much counsel.”

Proverbs 11:14 



Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but he or she must have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn. Mentorship experience and relationship structure affect the "amount of psychosocial support, career guidance, role modelling, and communication that occurs in the mentoring relationships in which the protégés and mentors engaged.”


Use of Network Logo

The Effective Life Network logo can be used by all who are a part of the network, but it must be shown to the network leaders before it is made public.


Team Training

Team work is the only way we can be truly effective. It is important to grow the people around you. If your team does not grow, you will not grow. For a team to serve and work well together, there must be unity, communication and understanding. We are happy to train your team with you so that the work you have been called to do will be truly effective. Jesus Himself trained His disciples before they were sent out, and also baptised them with the Holy Spirit so that they would be ready to fulfil every good work.


Confidential Support

We go through all sorts of changes and challenges in life; some time we can drop the ball (SIN). Effective Life Network is there to help you stand again, to come through whatever you are facing. We are not there to sit in judgment, but to help restore people. Sometimes we are just in need to talk to someone outside of our own team. This helps put things into perspective and order again. Even if we fall, the Bible says that we should confess our sin to one and other, but many leaders do not do this for fear of being rejected. This can make the problem far worse than it was. 


Financial Costs

With most networks, there is obviously a charge involved, which can vary quite considerably. We felt at this time we should not put a fixed charge for being a part of the Network. But, in fact, people should give what they feel God has laid in their heart, whether this be a tithe, a monthly gift, or a one-off annual gift. The main priority of the Network is to see leaders, ministries, and churches in a place of health and growth. 


Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 

2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

Apply to join Effective Life Network


If you are interested in join Effective Life Network, click the link to download an application form. Simply fill out the application form and return it directly to Pastor Matthew's email address at:

Our heart at Effective Life Network is to see people's callings fulfilled no matter what that calling is. Whatever you have been called to do, we want to help you maximise it.  So many ministries and projects do not achieve what they could and should for many different reasons, i.e. lack of knowledge, lack of funds and lack of vision. We are called to help each other, serve each other, equip each other and love each other.


It's not just a matter of helping only struggling projects but to help good projects become greater and to see ideas become a reality as well. We also have a desire to bridge the gap between different ethnic, social and cultural backgrounds. As Scripture says, we are to work together in unity. In doing this, we see the very heart of God manifest within the body of Christ in such a way that the world will truly know Him through our love for one another. 

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