Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God
One of the key components of Matthew's ministry is in the area of teaching the Word of God. Having preached around different parts of the world, his enthusiasm and passion for the Gospel remain as potent as ever. Down below are a selection of Matthew's sermons, covering different topics around the Bible and how we can apply God's truth effectively in our day-to-day lives. May these teachings be a blessing onto whoever may listen.
The faith of the Roman Centurion is one of Pastor Matthew's favourite portions of Scripture. This amazing event, accounted in Matthew 8:5-13, brings with it a treasure trove of Biblical truth concerning faith, submission, the Salvation of the Gentiles, and healing. Be encouraged as Pastor Matthew unpacks this Scripture in greater detail and its significance for Christians today.
Pastor Matthew shares the glorious message of the cross, but with an interesting twist. Presented in the form of a live news report, Pastor Matthew will take you through the main events of the cross, as well as what it means for us today. Be encouraged and please share the Good News that Jesus is alive and has the victory!
This preach is a part of Pastor Matthew's series called: "Walking With Abraham". This is a crucial part to understanding the amazing journey of faith which Abram embarked upon. You can watch the full-series by clicking here.
Why did God change Abram's name to Abraham?
Why was this name change important in view of God's covenant? In this sermon, Pastor Matthew will answer both of these questions in detail. You can watch the "Walking With Abraham" series by clicking here.
The Coronavirus has become a world-wide pandemic. It has spread far and wide, causing many to become fearful and unsure about the future. In this encouraging message, Pastor Matthew will be having a look at the Signs of the End Times as detailed in the Bible, and why today is the day of salvation.
In this encouraging sermon, Pastor Matthew will be looking at how we can move from having a victim mentality to living out our true identity as more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.
This is the amazing journey of Ann Guest, who is Matthew's mother. Her powerful testimony reminds us of how awesome our God is and how He is always faithful, leading us to forgiveness and healing. Be greatly encouraged.
What does it mean to judge in love? That is the topic of this sermon, specifically at how we can make fair, Biblical judgements in a world that's becoming increasingly divided. To judge fairly is to judge in love.
Admiral Nelson is an inspirational figure for many. So it seemed appropriate for Pastor Matthew to share about him at Trafalgar Square during a powerful evangelical service.
As a part of Pastor Matthew's Holy Spirit series, he teaches on what it means to be sealed by God's Spirit and the affects that come from receiving the new birth in Jesus Christ. This is a message that should bring encouragement and a biblical confidence, knowing that the Holy Spirit has sealed the Christian's adoption into God's Kingdom. You can watch Pastor Matthew's Holy Spirit series by clicking here.
If this year has taught us anything, it is that the world is constantly changing. Circumstances can change in an instant and plans can easily be disrupted. However, we can have peace in knowing that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Because God never changes, we can face change.
The town of Bethany, situated by the Mount of Olives, was a special place during Jesus's earthly ministry. With characters such as Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, there was a ton of wisdom which Jesus brought during his visits to this obscure town. In the first of two sermons, Pastor Matthew takes a deeper look as to what made Bethany such a special place to Jesus and the lessons we can learn from the events that took place there.
This is a special interview I did back in June with Philip Cameron, a good friend of mine from the States. I share my testimony of how I went from the son of a rapist to a child of God, as well as some lessons I have learned while serving in full-time ministry as a Pastor.
While we may not know exact times & dates, we must always be ready for Jesus's imminent return to the earth. Therefore, in this message, Pastor Matthew will outline a brief overview of the end time events, such as the Rapture of the Church, the Great Tribulation, and the Second Advent of Christ.
Many believe that grace is a licence to sin and if you show people too much grace, it will encourage people to sin all the more. But what does the Bible teach about this subject? Join Pastor Matthew as he will answer some important questions about grace. This is the third part of a series of videos from Pastor Matthew breaking down what the Grace of God is. You can watch this series from the beginning by clicking here.